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Test Your Knowledge! ( Or "Contemplation of the Qur'an" = "Tadabbur AlQur'an")

Q: When something happens why do Muslims show patience saying Allah had written it for us?
A: It is We (Allah) Who bring the dead to life and We write down what they did earlier and the deeds that come after them - and everything We had counted it down in an Unmistakable Record (Reference Book = Imam Mubeen).
Translation of: Ayah 12, Surat YaSeen.
Words: Nuhye = Bring to life, AlMawta = The Dead, Naktub = We Write Down, Qaddama = Did Earlier, Astharuhum = What comes after them, Imam = Record - Reference Book, Mubeen = Unmistakable - Very clear.

Q: How will people be called in front of Allah on the Day of Judgement?
A: The Day We summon (call) every group of people by their Record (Reference Book = 'Imam') so who is given his record in his right hand then those will read their records and even thread-like injustice will not be done to them.
Translation of: Ayah 71, Surat AlIsra' (known also as Surat Beni Israel).
Words: Naddou = We summon - Call, Kula Unas = Every group of people, BiImamihim = By their Record (Reference Book), Outia = Was given, Kitabuhu = His record, Yaqraouna = They read, La = No, Yudhlamouna = Injustice be done, Fateel = Even thread-like.

Q: What rewards in This Life, does a person gain from fearing Allah?
A: --- And who becomes in awe (fear) of Allah, He (Allah) will make a way out (from problems) for him. And He will give him from where he does not expect. And who depends upon Allah, then Allah is sufficient for him. For Allah will fulfill His (Allah) will: Allah has already made a fate for everything.
Translation of: Ayat 2 - 3, Surat AlTalaq.
Words: Men = Who, Yat'taqi = Becomes in awe - Fears, Makhraj = Way out, Yarzuk = gives, Yahtisib = Expects, Yatawakal = Depends, Hasbuhu = Sufficient for him, Amr = will, qadar = Fate.

Q: What form of government is preferred in Islam?
A: --- And what Allah has, is better and more lasting for those who have faith and they rely on their God. --- And those who have answered the call of their God and establish regular prayer and their business is a consultation among themselves and from what we have given them they spend.
Translation of: Ayat 36, 38, Surat AlShoura.
Words: Khair = Better, Ab'qa = More lasting, Rab = God, Yatawakal = Rely, Istajaba = Has answered the call, AlSalat = Prayer, Amr = Business, Shoura = Consultation, Baynahum = Among themselves, Razaka = Has given, Yunfiq = Spends.

Q: Why will Allah inherit the earth?
Hint: Think when does one inherit another person?
A: It is We (Allah) Who will inherit the earth and whoever is over it and to Us (Allah) they (all dead) will return.
Translation of: Ayah 40, Surat Maryam.
Note: How will Allah inherit the earth and the Heavens.
Words: Naristh = Inherit, Men = Whoever, Yurjaoun Will return.

Q: 1. Test your knowledge:: In an elevetor talk (few words) what is the answer to "why do we have to worship Allah"?
A: The answer. (In Ayah 152 Surat AlBaqarah)

Q: 2. Test your knowledge:: In an elevetor talk (few words) what is the answer to "What is the Qur'an"?
A: The answer. (In Ayah 185 Surat AlBaqarah)

Q: Let's contemplate: In the Night of the Power in Ramadan (= Laylat AlQadr*).
A: what type of angels are commanded to get down to earth?
* It is better than one thousand months (one's whole life - average eighty years).
It is the night of exceptional prayer and supplication to Allah because there is a time in it when the supplication to Allah is answered.
Note: Remember the Qur'an is a miracle in every aspect of the Arabic language. The exact interpretation (= Ta'weel) of the Qur'anic Ayat will be realized on the Day of Judgement.

Q: Why did Allah command the Qur'an to start being sent down from the Heaven to the earth only on the Night of Power in Ramadan (Laylat AlQadr)?
A: Ha Meem; And (Allah takes an oath) by the Evident* Scripture (Qur'an); For We (Allah) sent it (Qur'an) down (from the Heaven) in a Blessed Night (= Laylat AlQadr) - for We (Allah) were going to give warning (against punishment)**; In it (Layat AlQadr) every Wise Command (Allah's) is made separate*** (distinct = Yufraq); (the Qur'an) As a Command from Us (Allah) for We were going to be Senders (of a Message and a Messenger); As a Mercy from your God (to humanity) for He is the All-Hearing the All-Knowing.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 6, Surat AlDukhkhan. (44:1-6)
* = AlMubeen. Fully developed Scripture with evidences (proofs) that explain and separate the right from the wrong.
** So that people do not have an excuse for not following Allah's Guidance. Warning of punishment indicates Allah's Justice.
*** Where is the the Origin (Source) of the Qur'an resting? (refer to Surat AlZukhruf)
Note: The Qur'an was made separate (distinct) in preparation for sending it down to humanity through Allah's Messenger Prophet Muhmmad. (refer to Surat AlIsra 106)
Notes: 1. The Qur'an is Allah's Last Holy Book because it is "The Supervisor" of the Truth in Allah's Holy Books before the Qur'an. (refer to Surat AlMa'idah)
2. Prophet Muhammad is Allah's last messenger. (refer to Surat AlAhzab)
(Note: Prophet Muhammad said in a well known saying that 30 persons will claim to be prophets/messengers after him. All are liars).
3. Prophet Muhammad is sent with the Qur'an to all humanity without exception. (refer to Surat Saad)
Words: Rahmatan = As a Mercy.

Words: Mubarakah = Blessed, Munthireen = to give waring.
Note: Eid Mubarak (Blessed Eid) to all Muslims.

Q: let's contemplate about yesterday's translation again.
1. According to ex-Mufti of Egypt in "Safwat AlBayan" page 771: Some scholars referred the five descriptions to winds, some to angels and some to winds and angels.
2. Two types of winds are mentioned often in the Qur'an: Violent winds which bring punishment. And favorable winds which bring rain.
3. Rain is an example of when Allah's Mercy is spread out (= Yanshur).
What is the message behind the violent wind and the wind that brings good rain?
Note: The Qur'an is full with information about what is unseen to humans such as angels and the Day of Judgement.
The correct interpretation (= Ta'weel) of the Unseen will be made on the Day of Judgement because it will be seen then.
A: (Allah takes an Oath) And by those (angels) sent forth in succession (= Urfa*); And then the blowers (of the wind) violently with a proper storming (Allah's punishment in life); And (an Oath) by those who spread out = alNashirat (good rain) a proper spreading; And then those who make separate (objects receiving Mercy or punishment) a proper separating (according to Allah's command); And then the deliverers of a Reminder; As forgiveness (this time) or as a warning; Indeed what you are being promised (Day of Judgement) is certainly going to happen.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 7, Surat AlMursalat. (77:1-7)
** = Urfa. Like the mane of a running horse in the wind. Remember angels drive the winds which drive the clouds according to Allah's command.
In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: A man was walking and he heard a voice from up (angels in the clouds) saying to irrigate the land of a certain person. So he reached the nearby community and asked about the person whose name he heard. He knew from him that what he earns he divides it into three parts. One part for him and his family. Another part for the land. And the third part as a charity. (Source will be added later insha Allah).
Note: The succeeding Ayat 8-50 in Surat AlMursalat.
Words: = Mursalat = Sent forth, Urfa = In succession - Like the mane of the horse, Aasifat = Blowers violently, Asfa = A proper storming, Naashirat = Who spread out, Fariqat = The ones who separate, Mulqiat Thikra = Deliverers of a reminder, Uthran Aw Nuthra = As forgiveness or as a warning, Tu'adoun = Are being promised, LaWa'qi' = Is certainly going to happen.

Q: How many groups of angels take part handling one's soul at death?
Note: To help you understand the coming translation please read first the Prophet Muhammad's saying about what happens to the souls after death.
A: (Allah takes an oath) And by those (angels) who pull out with force* (souls of disbelievers) by reaching down (of sinking souls); And by those (angels) active ones (handling believers) who work energetically (feel like doing); And by those (angels) who swim (with souls upward in air) a proper swimming; And then (among those angels) those who get ahead in a proper race; And then (among those angels) the regulators of affairs (according to Allah's Command).
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 5 , Surat AlNa'ziat. (79:1-5).
* In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: At death time angels of death have to pull out by force disbelievers' souls (their souls go further down hiding in their bodies and angels of death force them to come out). While believers' souls come out easily as you pour water from a jug. (Source will be added later insha Allah).
Note: (Naze') in Arabic also means agony of death. Source: Henry Wehr's dictionary.
Note: The more a disbeliever is against Allah the worst is his death time.
Words: AlNa'ziat = Those who pull out with force - Those who pluck out, Gharqa = By reaching down, AlNashitat = those active ones, Nashta = Who work energetically, AlSabiqat = Who get ahead, Sabqa = In a proper race, AlMudabbirat = The regulators of affairs (according to Allah's Command).

Q: How do angels concentrate when in prayers?
A: (Allah takes an oath) And by those (angels) who are lined-up* in proper rows (for prayer); And then (among those angels) those who restrain** (Satan and his Jinn) with a proper scolding sound (= Zajra)***; And then (they) those who recite a Reminder (a Message of Allah); Indeed your God is certainly One; the God of the Heavens and the earth and what is between them and the God of every (point of) sunrise.
Translation of: Ayat 1 - 5, Surat AlSaffat. (37:1-5).
* Angels pride themselves for lining up in rows for prayer.
In a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad: Will you not line up as the angels line up? How they asked. The Prophet said they complete the first lines and they close ranks (pull together). Source: Tafseer Ibn Kastheer, volume 4, page 35.
** Angels can see Jinn. Even angels fought with the Jinn in the past. (Sheikh Tareq Suwaidan's CD)
*** There will be a Scolding Scream (= Zajrah) before the Day of Judgement. (In Surat AlNazi'at)
Words: Saffa = Proper rows, AlZajirat = Those who restrain - deter - scold - repel, AlTaliyat = Those who recite, Thikra = A Reminder of Allah - A Message of Allah.

Q: Who are Allah's servants (= Ibad Allah) as mentioned in the Qur'an? (Are they the good ones or the bad ones?)
A: The answers can be found in Surat AlFurqan (Ayat 63 - 76, 17)
My servants (Servants of Allah).
Ibad AlRahman (= Servants of the Most-Merciful 'Allah').

Q: For whom is Islam (The Qur'an & Prophet Muhammad as its icons)?
A: 'Lilnas' (= for all people)(in Surat Saba')
'LilAlameen' (= for the inhabitants of the world - for all people) (in Surat AlFurqan).

Q: Why do believers avoid attending places or shows which are against Islamic Commands?
A: You may be held as witnesses on the Day of Judgement. (Refer to an incident mentioned in Surat AlBurouj)
Remember on the Day of Judgement either you will be a witness or witnessed (by). (Refer to Surat AlBurouj)

Q: According to Allah who are the intelligent persons?
A: Refer to the translation of Ayah 18 in Surat AlZumar (39:18)

Q: What is the Straight Path (= AlSirat AlMustaqeem) according to the Jesus (= Issa) peace be upon him?
A: Refer to the translation of Surat Maryam, Ayah 36 (in red).

Q: Before death comes, what is the minimum requirement from all humans?
A: 1. Refer to the translation of Ayat 130-134 in Surat AlBaqarah (2:130-134).

2. Refer to the translation of Ayah 102 in Surat AlImran (3:102).

Q: What is the job of the callers to Islam?
A: Refer to Ayah 21 in Surat AlGhashiyah. (88:17-22)

Q: With what should the callers to Islam remind people of Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 41 - 45 in Surat Qaf. (50:41-45)

Q: Nowadays why have many people among Muslims, Christians and Jews (followers of Abrahamic Religion) strayed away from Allah's Straight Path?
A: Refer to Ayat 58 - 60 in Surat Maryam. (19:58-60)

Q: A WARNING: What can happen to a community whose people go beyond Allah's Limits and make a lot of corruption in it?
A: Refer to Ayat 6 - 14 in Surat AlFajr. (89:58-60)
Note: Think of (as commanded by Allah in the Qur'an "A Lem Tara = Have you not (yet) considered) some ancient people who received Allah's Punishment in life. (refer to Surat AlQamar, Ayat 9-53)

Q: Muslims who lead a busy life - which ones of them make time to pray and glorify Allah in mosques?
A: Refer to Ayat 36 - 39 in Surat AlNoor. (24:36-39)

Q: On the Day of Judgement how will Hellfire be personified?
A: Refer to Ayah 12 in Surat AlFurqan (25).

Q: Why will believers be able to ask easily for their wishes to be fulfilled in Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayat 15-16 in Surat AlFurqan(25).

Q: Why should humans avoid joining any partner with Allah (The Creator)?
A: Refer to Ayah 13 in Surat Luqman (31).

Q: With what words will disbelievers lament themsleves on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 27 - 29 in Surat AlFurgan (25).

Q: How does the Qur'an benefit Muslims?
A: Refer to Ayah 89 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: Why do some Christians still give thanks to Allah before eating their meals?
A: Refer to Ayat 6-8 in Surat Ibraheem (14).

Q: Whose wealth will Allah not bless (increase without associated problems)?
A: Refer to Ayat 11 - 31 in Surat AlMuddasthir (74).
Note: Remember Allah gives both believers and disbelievers wealth ...etc without restriction to test them. (refer to Surat AlIsra')

Q: Why does Allah punish some communities in life?
A: Refer to Ayah 18 in Surat AlMa'idah (5).

Q: Why do the Qur'an's answers to the disbelievers' arguments appeal to human logic?
A: Refer to Ayat 31-34 in Surat AlFurqan (25).

Q: What happened to the earlier generations on whose land other people are walking or living?
A: Refer to Ayat 26 - 27 in Surat AlSajdah (32).

Q: Why does Allah punish but not annihilate some communities in life?
A: Refer to Ayat 20 - 21 in Surat AlSajdah (32).

Q: Why did the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) become into different groups after Jesus peace be upon him told them the Truth?
A: Refer to Ayat 63 - 66 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: How is man commanded to reject the notion that Allah has a son or any other offsrping?
A: Refer to Ayat 81 - 83 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: Though Satan himself knows Allah's Might and Sublimity, how does Satan trick man into worshipping other than Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 16 in Surat AlHashr (59).

Q: What did Allah dictate UPON His own Sublime Being?
A: Refer to Ayah 12 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: Simply who is going to be punished in Hell?
A: Refer to Ayah 35 in Surat AlAhqaf (46).

Q: If a country owns wealthy land what should its inhabitants do?
A: Refer to Ayat 15 - 21 in Surat Saba' (34).

Q: Why do people go astray from Allah's Straight Path which leads to Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayah 26 in Surat Saad (38).

Q: Can someone believe in Allah as the One and Only God while he disbelieves in the Day of Judgement and life in the Other World?
A: Refer to Ayah 18 in Surat AlShoura (42).

Q: According to Allah who are the most honorable persons in each community?
A: Refer to Ayah 13 in Surat AlHujurat (49).

Q: Who walks on the land that once belonged to a destroyed nation and ignores it as it did not happen?
A: Refer to Ayah 32 in Surat AlSajdah (32).

Q: Who are commanded to follow and remain on Allah's Straight Path which leads to Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayah 32 in Surat AlShoura (42).

Q: What may Allah give to those who perfect their religion (righteous believers = AlMuhsineen) when they reach the peak of their power (= Ashudahu)?
A: Refer to Ayah 22 in Surat Yusuf (12).

Q: Why do some Muslims who understand the Qur'an cry when hearing or reading it?
A: Refer to Ayah 23 in Surat AlZumar (39).

Q: What expression Allah has the Right to it in this life and the Other Life?
A: Refer to Ayah 1 in Surat Saba' (34).

Q: What should believers who are waiting to meet Allah be sure of?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 7 in Surat AlAnkaboot (29).

Q: What did all of Allah's prophets warned people against?
A: Refer to Ayat 46 - 67 in Surat Saba' (34).

Q: Where did Prophet Muhammad learn what to answer and how to act in different situations?
A: Refer to Ayah 113 in Surat AlNisa' (4).

Q: How many prophets of Allah came after Prophet Saleh who was sent to the Arab people of 'Sthamud'?
Note: Refer to no 5. Prophet Saleh on the site's map of Allah's prophets.
A: Refer to Ayat 9 - 14 in Surat Ibraheem (14).

Q: The People of Israel received a lot of Allah's messengers following one another to put them back on Allah's Path - what does it indicate?
A: Refer to Ayah 122 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Why does Allah not accept Islam from a person at the time of death?
Note: Remember how Pharaoh (Phiroun) declared being a Muslim at the time of death and what was Allah's answer to him (Pharaoh). (refer to 10:90-92)
A: Refer to Ayat 68 - 70 in Surat AlFurqan (25).

Q: What did Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem) think of the idols which people worship even nowadays?
A: Refer to Ayat 35 - 36 in Surat Ibraheem (14).

Q: Who prayed to Allah for us to be among the performers of prayers to Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 40 - 41 in Surat Ibraheem (14).

Q: Where do people usually stop thinking about increasing their wealth?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 8 in Surat AlTakasthur (102).

Q: When will those whom people pray to other than Allah will answer their prayers and their supplications?
A: Refer to Ayat 4 - 6 in Surat AlAhqaf (46).

Q: When will disbelievers confirm the reality of the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayah 34 in Surat AlAhqaf (46).

Q: What specific behavior from ancient disbelievers brought Allah's Wrath which annihilated them totally?
A: Refer to Ayat 9 - 14 in Surat Ibraheem (14).

Q: How did the Jinn who listened to the Qur'an believe in it?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 5 in Surat AlJinn (72).

Q: What was the name of Allah's Holy Book given to Jesus peace be upon him?
A: Refer to Ayat 46 - 47 in Surat AlMa'idah (5).

Q: Why is it prohibited to invoke (call upon) anyone other than Allah in mosques?
A: Refer to Ayat 18 - 19 in Surat AlJinn (72).

Q: When looking at the sky what should we contemplate about?
A: Refer to Ayah 32 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).

Q: What should those who doubt resurrection on the Day of Judgement remember in life?
A: Refer to Ayat 64 - 67 in Surat Maryam (19).

Q: Will we have what we now call our earth in the Other World?
A: Refer to Ayah 48 in Surat Ibraheem (14).

Q: In each community who argues against Allah claiming that they want to follow the worship of their forefathers?
A: Refer to Ayah 48 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: How can a Muslim become certain that he is remaining on Allah's Path which leads to Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayat 43 - 44 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: How fast will be Allah's Command to start the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayah 77 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: Why should disbelievers try to gain knowledge of the Qur'an before opposing or arguing about it?
A: Refer to Ayah 6 in Surat Saba' (34).

Q: Who misleads other people away from Allah's Path?
A: Refer to Ayat 22 - 25 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: What do Islamic ethics lead a Muslim to gain?
A: Refer to Ayah 39 in Surat AlIsra' (17).

Q: What shows that it is Angel Gabriel who brought the Qur'an down to Prophet Muhammad?
A: Refer to Ayat 97 - 98 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Why did Allah give the People of Israel The Torah?
A: Refer to Ayah 53 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Why did Allah gave the People of Israel another chance after a lot of them disobeyed Him and then then they asked for forgiveness?
A: Refer to Ayat 51 - 52 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Why should all non-Muslims who believe in Allah's Message* name themselves Muslims?
* Allah's Message to humanity as revealed to Prophet Moses (Moosa) peace be upon him. (refer to Surat Taha)
A: Refer to Ayah 136 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Why the believing people among Jews and Christians have no option but to believe in the Qur'an?
A: Refer to and Ayah 91 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Who is entitled to Allah's Mercy in the Other World?
A: Refer to Ayah 156 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: What two worlds which are parts of the Islamic Faith a Muslim should believe in?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 5 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: When Islam was announced who should have first believed in Islam (Prophet Muhammad and the Qur'an)?
A: Refer to Ayat 41 - 46 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: When Islam or innocent Muslims are attacked why usually a group of the attackers' own defend the Muslims?
A: Refer to Ayat 250 - 251 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Why does Allah not accept to worship anyone else other than Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 3 in Surat AlZumar (39).

Q: When will you see all people on their knees?
A: Refer to Ayat 27 - 31 in Surat AlJasthiyah (45).

Q: What should people remember of the things they enjoy in this life?
A: Refer to Ayah 126 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Why should people who have doubts about Faith in their hearts be aware not to be labelled by Allah as disbelievers?
A: Refer to Ayat 6 - 7 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: What do many people say about Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 169 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Which prophet mentioned in the Qur'an had Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) aiding him in doing miracles with Allah's Permission?
A: Refer to Ayah 87 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Why did Allah send messengers with Guidance to humanity instead of leaving humans to judge everything according to their own whims and desires?
A: Refer to Ayah 71 in Surat AlMo'minoun (23).

Q: What question from the Guardians of Hell will add to the psychological suffering of the companions of Hell?
A: Refer to Ayah 71 in Surat AlZumar (39).

Q: If Allah is the Creator of man and the Universe with all its contents so why a lot of people are unthankful to Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 61 - 63 in Surat Ghafir (40).

Q: What happens to the person who knows about the Qur'an but turns away from it?
A: Refer to Ayat 83 - 101 in Surat Taha (20).

Q: What quality related to acts man does in life will push him into Hell?
A: Refer to Ayah 111 in Surat Taha (20).

Q: What most of humans see it far away or even never coming?
A: Refer to Ayat 6 - 9 in Surat AlMa'arij (70).

Q: Which Attribute of Allah comes to mind when we read that Allah will place people in ranks in both Paradise and Hell?
A: Refer to Ayat 15 - 17 in Surat Ghafir (40).

Q: As a Muslim when will Allah give your the capability to distinguish between what is right according to Allah's Commands and what is wrong (= AlFurqan)?
A: Refer to Ayah 29 in Surat AlAnfal (8).

Q: When can a Muslim say confidently that he depends on Allah because Allah is his Ally?
A: Refer to Ayat 194 - 196 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: Who turns away from the Religion which was embraced by Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem)?
A: Refer to Ayat 130 - 134 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: As a Muslim if you want your sins removed from your Record of deeds what should you do?
A: Refer to Ayah 114 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: What do those who reject the Qur'an as lies actually do their own selves?
A: Refer to Ayah 26 in Surat AlAn'am (26).

Q: What feeling Muslims can experience when they see their brothers in humanity rejecting Faith in Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 36 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: Did Allah give permission to be called One of three (Trinity in Christian Belief)?
A: Refer to Ayat 73 - 74 in Surat AlMa'idah (5).

Q: Do some disbelievers join with Allah only females as relatives?
A: Refer to Ayah 100 in Surat AlAn'am (100).

Q: Why should people check their life styles to ensure their good things in this life are enjoyed according to Allah's Commands?
A: Refer to Ayah 20 in Surat AlAhqaf (46:20).

Q: From whose offspring was Prophet David (Dawood son of (Prophet Isaac = "Is'haq") son of Prophet Abraham?
A: Refer to Ayat 84 - 87 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: What happens to a believer's heart when he stands up to say the truth in front of a tyrant leader?
A: Refer to Ayat 9 - 22 in Surat AlKahf (18).

Q: Which persons can easily lose Allah's Rewards for their good deeds and charitable work which they do in this life?
A: Refer to Ayat 7 - 9 in Surat Muhammad (47).

Q: No matter how much a person prays to Allah and gives charity, what belief is crucial to make him a believer in Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 5 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: What have you do if you want to understand the Truth about everything as narrated in the Qur'an?
A: Refer to Ayat 29 - 32 in Surat AlAhqaf (46).

Q: Among those who believe in Allah who can easily stray away from Allah's Path?
A: Refer to Ayat 44 - 45 in Surat AlNisa' (4).

Q: How does Allah defend Prophet Muhammad against those who ridicule him?
A: Refer to Ayah 36 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).

Q: What is the major thing all humans are warned against doing in this life?
A: Refer to and Ayat 21 - 22 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Why are hypocrites going to be punished by Allah in the Other World?
A: Refer to Ayat 8 - 10 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Why should Muslims follow the authentic sayings of Prophet Muhammad besides following the Qur'an?
A: Refer to Ayah 54 in Surat AlNoor (24).

Q: What do disbelievers turn away from it rejecting it as described in Surat "AlAnbiya'"?
A: Refer to Ayat 42 - 43 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).
Refer to Ayat 21 - 25 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).
Refer to Ayah 32 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).
Refer to Ayat 1 - 15 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).

Q: How can one pull himself out from the darkness he is living in?
A: Refer to Ayat 174 - 175 in Surat AlNisa' (4).

Q: If not for anything else why do believers put their trust in Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 159 in Surat AlImran (3).

Q: How can a person fall down from an extremely high place to an extremely deep place?
A: Refer to Ayah 31 in Surat AlHajj (22).

Q: How to get rid of strong negative emotions like anger and envy?
A: Refer to Ayat 57 - 58 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: When Dr. Zakir Naik praised atheists for admitting "there is no god" what did he say they stop short of?
Note: Debate with an atheist.
A: Refer to Ayah 25 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).

Q: When we hear of blasphemies (untruth attributed to Allah) why should we ignore and merely call upon Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 112 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).

Q: What is the psychological punishment for those entering Hell?
A: Refer to Ayah 192 in Surat AlImran (3).

Q: What Light did Allah send to all people?
A: Refer to Ayah 8 in Surat AlTaghabun (64).

Q: Why should Muslims try to hold tight to the Qur'an to be called BELIEVERS (Mo'minoun or Mo'mineen)? (remember Prophet Muhammad's characte was the Qur'an)
A: Refer to Ayah 2 in Surat AlTaghabun (64).
Note: See how people are divided into two categories: 1. Kafir (a transgressor agaisnt Allah / a disbeliever) and 2. Mo'min (a believer note how a Muslim not metioned here).
(note a Muslim can commit acts of 'Kufr' when he does not follow Allah's Commands)
Note: Opposite of a believer (= Mo'min) is one who sinfully strays away from Allah's Path (= Faasiq). (Refer to Ayah 18 in Surat AlSajdah).
Note: There were and are believers (Mo'mineen) among the Jews and Christians. (refer to Ayah 110 in Surat AlImran)

Q: When does Allah totally annihilates a town?
A: Refer to Ayah 59 in Surat AlQasas (28).

Q: What is an easy way to have some of your sins forgiven by Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 271 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Why people are warned against worshipping idols and what they represent?
A: Refer to Ayah 30 in Surat Ibraheem (14).

Q: Thinking of Allah's Straight Path who are the companions of Hell?
A: Refer to Ayat 20 - 21 in Surat AlSajdah (32).

Q: How do we realize that charity with money for example is not a must on a person who cannot afford to give?
A: Refer to a well known expression used by Muslims in Ayah 7 in Surat AlTalaq (65).

Q: What can we also call the Qur'an?
A: Refer to Ayat 8 - 11 in Surat AlTalaq (65).

Q: What two practices can lead the believer to Paradise?
A: Refer again to Ayat 8 - 11 in Surat AlTalaq (65).

Q: Why Christians and Muslims should beware of not joining any partner with Allah?
(Note: SOME Muslims join known dead religious men (awliya' Allah) with Allah when they ask them for help with offsrping or solving marital problems for example)
A: Refer to Ayah 72 in Surat AlMa'idah (5).

Q: Who allow Satan to control them and they obey him (Satan)?
A: Refer to Ayat 39 - 48 in Surat AlHijr (15).

Q: Allah sent a lot of messengers to guide people towards Him so why did Allah send Prophet Muhammad as His Last Messenger?
A: Refer to Ayah 107 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).

Q: Is Allah's Guidance limited only to alive believers who gain Allah's Satisfaction?
A: Refer to Ayat 5 - 6 in Surat Muhammad (47).

Q: Why not truning away from the Qur'an is a must for a disbeliever who wants to become a Muslim?
A: Refer to Ayah 57 in Surat AlKahf (18).

Q: What is the opposite of those who go astray from Allah's Path?
A: Refer to Ayat 5 - 7 in Surat AlQalam (68).

Q: What two types of Grace believers hope to receive from Allah before entering Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayah 21 (twenty one) in Surat AlTawbah (9).

Q: On the Day of Judgement what will be the job title for disbelievers' leaders who in life guide their communities away from Allah's Path?
Note: "Naza'" means pulled out with FORCE.
A: Refer to Ayat 74 - 75 in Surat AlQasas (28).

Q: Why should believers compete to be leaders of their communities of righteous people?
A: Refer to Ayat 139 - 140 in Surat AlImran (3).

Q: Why is it alright for a believer to tire himself as much as he wants in Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayat 45 - 48 in Surat AlHijr (15).

Q: Why an effort to show readiness to accept Islam is required to actually gain Allah's Guidance (= Hidayah) and not the other way around?
A: Refer to Ayat 21 - 22 in Surat Ibraheem (14).

Q: If you feel you are a believer in Allah and His Commands what also you should do?
A: Refer to Ayat 25 - 37 in Surat AlHaqqah (69).

Q: With what does Allah test people in this life?
A: Refer to Ayah 35 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).

Q: Why does Islam reject reincarnation (rebirth of a soul in a new body like some people say in a butterfly if the dead person was a good person)?
Note: Reincarnation according to Wikipedia.
A: Refer to Ayat 99 - 100 in Surat AlMo'minoun (23).

Q: What Two Groups all humanity will be devided into after Allah's Judgement is completed on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 81 - 87 in Surat Maryam (19).

Q: What special part of your body you must make sure it does not divert from Allah's Path?
A: Refer to Ayat 88 - 89 in Surat AlShuara' (26).

Q: What were all of Allah's Messengers told about humanity?
A: Refer to Ayat 42 - 54 in Surat AlMo'minoun (23).

Q: Since when is Allah's Mercy upon everything?
A: Refer to Ayah 156 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: What are the phenomena (happenings) inidcative of Allah which we notice and know about are called in the Qur'an?
A: Refer to Ayah 93 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: Why do many disbelivers even nowadays worship idols (images or sacred stones etc) even if they know that these idols can not hear them, benefit them or harm them?
A: Refer to Ayat 69 - 82 in Surat AlShuara' (26).

Q: How will the companions of Hell be thrown into Hell?
A: Refer to Ayat 90 - 104 in Surat AlShuara' (26).

Q: What regret will the companions of Hell have about worshipping idols in this life?
A: Refer to the same link posted yesterday: Ayat 90 - 104 in Surat AlShuara' (26).

Q: Why should Muslims avoid getting into arguments with polytheists (who join any partner with Allah the Creator)?
A: Refer to Ayah 106 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: What is Allah's Goal for humans in this life?
A: Refer to Ayah 8 in Surat AlAnfal (8).

Q: Why should people who are enjoying a lot in this life check their worshipping style?
A: Refer to Ayat 204 - 209 in Surat AlShuara' (26).

Q: How did Pharaoh's smart magicians who knew well their magic tricks realize who is Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 45 - 48 in Surat AlShuara' (26).

Q: What is everyone of us commanded by Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 91 - 92 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: Does Allah like to punish people for their sins?
A: Refer to Ayah 147 in Surat AlNisa' (4).

Q: What financial responsiblity did Allah give to the religious scholars and religious leaders among the People of the Book?
A: Refer to Ayat 60 - 65 in Surat AlMa'idah (5).

Q: Why should disbelievers refrain from calling the coming Day of Judgement mere mythologies of the ancient people?
A: Refer to Ayat 67 - 69 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: Besides the great reception and rewards for the believers on the Day of Judgement what will they avoid?
A: Refer to Ayah 89 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: What should a caller to Islam do when people turn away from Allah's Message?
A: Refer to Ayah 129 in Surat AlTawbah (9).

Q: When Allah grants someone a favour what expression is good to say immediately after thanking Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 16 - 44 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: Why did the late sheikh Muhammad Metwali Alsharawi said to the believers 'do not give up patience'?
A: Refer to Ayat 108 - 111 in Surat AlMo'minoun (23).

Q: To try to get his supplication answered by Allah in this life what should a believer do besides earnest supplication?
A: Refer to Ayat 89 - 94 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).
Note: Remember sometimes our earnest supplication is not realized in life because Allah's Wisdom dicates what is good or bad for us. Allah wants us to supplicate earnestly and there is great rewards waiting from Allah for believers' earnest supplications.

Q: What will disbelievers say about the Day of Judgement when it arrives?
A: Refer to Ayat 95 - 97 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).

Q: What did the Qur'an (Allah's Word) reveal 1400 years ago about the earth when the Qur'an mentioned the action of the mountains?
A: Refer to Ayah 88 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: What should those who worship other than Allah such as idols be prepared to provide Allah on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayah 117 in Surat AlMo'minoun (23).

Q: What is the most valuable asset a believer has and Satan is and will be after this asset* until the Day of Judgement?
* Mentioned in a lecture in "Pearls of Paradise: The Power of You" conference 18-20 Nov 2016 at SMA ONT Canada.
A: Refer to Ayah 19 in Surat Muhammad known also as Surat AlQital (47).

Q: Why does Allah continue to give those rich disbelievers who persist in doing sins more of good things in life?
A: Refer to Ayah 178 in Surat AlImran (3).

Q: Where can you see with your eyes the effect of Allah's Mercy on the earth?
A: Refer to Ayat 50 - 51 in Surat AlRoum (30).

Q: What should a believer make sure to avoid when Allah answers his supplication for something he wants in life?
A: Refer to Ayah 33 in Surat AlRoum (30).

Q: Why is Allah's Warning Enough to leave alone those who join any partner with Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 65 - 66 in Surat AlAnkaboot (29).

Q: What should each and every Muslim strive hard to become?
A: Refer to Ayah 104 in Surat AlImran (3).

Q: What supplication for the time of death believers should call Allah upon?
A: Refer to Ayat 193 - 194 in Surat AlImran (3).

Q: Besides Allah's Forgiveness what are Muslims after in life when they protect themselves by fearing Allah (being God-conscious = Mutaqeen)?
A: Refer to Ayah 29 in Surat AlAnfal (8).

Q: Whose love will disbelievers come to miss on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 41 - 45 in Surat AlRoum (30).

Q: Why does not Allah guide each and every human towards Himself?
A: Refer to Ayah 13 in Surat AlSajdah (32).

Q: What happens to people when they follow their own whims which can be against Allah's Commands?
A: Refer to Ayat 26 - 29 in Surat AlRoum (30).

Q: Why deep thinking is required to understand the real meaning behind why man exists?
A: Refer to Ayah 7 in Surat AlRoum (30).

Q: Who are given through the Qur'an the good news of Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 8 in Surat Alkahf (18).

Q: What is the DESCRIPTION of those believers who do righteous deeds and are given the good news of Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayah 97 in Surat Maryam (19).

Q: What is the DESCRIPTION of those who are the OPPOSITE of "AlMutaqeen = those who protect themselves by fearing Allah"?
A: Refer to Ayat 44 - 47 in Surat Ibraheem (14).

Q: How do we realize immediately that it is a top priority to take care of our parents especially when they reach old age?
A: Refer to Ayat 23 - 24 in Surat AlIsra (17).

Q: Considerding the Day of Judgement what feeling believers have in this life about it while disbelievers will have it then?
A: For the believers' feeling refer to Ayat 17 - 28 in Surat AlToor (52).
For the disbelievers' feeling refer to Ayah 49 in Surat AlKahf (18).

Q: If a community wants to avoid Allah's Wrath in life why should they ensure especially their rich ones are leading moral lives and not dissolute lives?
A: Refer to Ayat 16 - 17 in Surat AlIsra' (17).

Q: Is humanity better in glorifying of Allah than Allah's other creation?
A: Refer to Ayat 40 - 44 in Surat AlIsra' (17).

Q: Who makes haste in doing good deeds?
A: Refer to Ayat 55 - 61 in Surat AlMo'minoun (23).

Q: Where do wise Muslims get wisdom (= hikmah) from?
A: Refer to Ayah 39 in Surat AlIsra' (17).

Q: In front of what Statement in the Qur'an All ARGUEMENTS about people supplicating to anyone other than Allah ARE VOID (not valid)?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 3 in Surat AlZumar (39).

Q: What is Satan's Statement of Arrogance which led to Allah casting him out of Heaven?
A: Refer to Ayat 61 - 65 in Surat AlIsra' (17).

Q: In the Other World what will believers and disbelievers have from above them and beneath them?
A: For the BELIEVERS refer to Ayah 16 in Surat AlZumar (39).
For the DISBELIEVERS refer to Ayat 19 - 20 in Surat AlZumar (39).

Q: What is one recommended way mentioned in the Qur'an to gain Allah's Mercy in this life?
A: Refer to Ayah 9 in Surat AlZumar (39).

Q: For whom did Allah send the Qur'an through Angel Gabriel and then through Prophet Muhammad?
A: Refer to Ayah 41 in Surat AlZumar (39).

Q: Where will our earth get its light from on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 68 - 70 in Surat AlZumar (39).

Q: What quality leads the one who rejects the Qur'an to become a disbeliever?
A: Refer to Ayah 59 in Surat AlZumar (39).

Q: Why should those who call themselves believers refrain from arguing about Allah's Qur'anic Lines?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 6 in Surat Ghafir (40).

Q: Why should countries which are prominent in the world check their Faith in Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 23 - 46 in Surat Ghafir (40).

Q: On the Day of Judgement if only one big banner was to be placed in front of Allah's 'Court of Judgement' what should it be?
A: Refer to Ayat 15 - 17 in Surat Ghafir (40).

Q: Who are your own 'hidden spies' which may witness against you on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayah 19 - 23 in Surat Fusilat (41).

Q: What will be the losing case of the disbelievers on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 6 in Surat Ghafir (40).

Q: If in doubt about belief in Allah why should you contemplate about your own creation and the creation of the Universe?
A: Refer to Ayat 53 - 54 in Surat Fusilat (41).

Q: What is the common known way to disbelieve in Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 9 - 12 in Surat Fusilat (41).

Q: Which ancient nation was annihilated by Allah although they were able to recognize the truth from falsehood but they did not stop their idol worshipping with Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 17 - 18 in Surat Fusilat (41).

Q: Why do some persons dispute vehemently about Quranic Lines (Verses)?
A: Refer to Ayat 56 - 60 in Surat Ghafir (40).

Q: What can easily distract away from the Qur'an when it is being recited?
A: Refer to Ayah 26 in Surat Fusilat (41).

Q: When Allah's Wrath descends down what WORD can describe the severe punishment of persons or communities in life?
A: Refer to Ayat 25 - 26 in Surat AlZumar (39).

Q: What information about Allah's SEVERE punishment on the DAY of Judgement can increase worrying about that punishment?
A: Refer to Ayat 15 - 16 in Surat Fusilat (41).

Q: Is supplicating TO dead righteous believers (= Awliya' Allah) allowed in Islam?
Note: Thanks to Allah many Muslims are realizing nowadays (2017) that they should not supplicate To the dead righteous persons (= Awliya' Allah) and they stopped that practice; Instead they realized that they may supplicate to Allah to give the dead righteous ones peace in their graves and that Allah helps them (the visitors of the shrines) to become righteous like them.
A: Refer to Ayah 9 in Surat AlShoura (42).

Q: Like Prophet Muhammad why should each of us be wise enough not to disobey Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 11 - 14 in Surat AlZumar (39).

Q: What is the attitude of many of Jews and Christians towards Allah's Word (in their Holy Books)?
A: Refer to Ayah 14 in Surat AlShoura (42).

Q: Anyone who respects Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem), what Word did he leave for you?
A: Refer to Ayat 26 - 30 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: Who obeys disbelieving religious leaders who guide their followers away from Allah's Straight Path which leads to Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayat 51 - 56 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: Why is Satan after each one of humans to guide him away from Allah's Straight Path?
A: Refer to Ayat 57 - 62 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: What plea from our human brothers in Hell will be heartbreaking for all the listeners?
A: Refer to Ayat 77 - 78 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: In life we follow important leaders. Why should all humanity follow the commands of Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 51 - 53 in Surat AlSoura. (42:51-53).

Q: What shows that Allah does care about humans?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 6 in Surat AlDukhkhan (44).

Q: What should we REMEMBER when using any means of transportation (cars, ships, planes...etc)?
Note: Many Muslim countries' airlines play the recording of the Qur'anic Line (Verse). But many travellers forget to Remember what should be recalled to mind as mentioned in the Verse.
A: Refer to Ayat 13 - 14 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: How may Allah's punishment in life start?
A: Refer to Ayat 21 - 25 in Surat AlAhqaf (46).

Q: What are the TWO components of the LIGHT with which Allah guides people to Himself?
A: Refer to Ayat 51 - 53 in Surat AlShoura (42).

Q: Allah as the AlMighty (= AlAzeez), the All-Wise (= AlHakeem) - what belongs to Him then?
A: Refer to Ayah 37 in Surat AlJasthiyah (45).

Q: What is the answer to those who want to see first their dead forefathers back in life so that they believe in the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 25 - 26 in Surat AlJasthiyah (45).

Q: What is the Great Favour in Paradise which Allah promises His devoted servants?
A: Refer to Ayah 22 in Surat AlShoura (42).

Q: If a person wants Allah to forgive him even through the prayers of his relatives for him after his death, what should he make sure not to do when he is still alive?
A: Refer to Ayah 34 in Surat Muhammad (47).

Q: When talking about the Day of Judgement how do we know WHO is completely away from Allah's Path?
A: Refer to Ayah 18 in Surat AlShoura (42).

Q: When does one completely hate himself?
A: Refer to Ayat 10 - 12 in Surat Ghafir (40).

Q: What was Prophet Muhammad and his Islamic Nation (Ummat Muhammad) strictly forbidden from and strictly commanded to?
A: Refer to Ayah 66 in Surat Ghafir (40).

Q: In the Other World how strong will be the FRIENDSHIP among disbelievers and their friends in life?
A: Refer to Ayah 67 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: Those who worship (pray to or call upon) anyone other than Allah, the Creator, what one important thing should they come to realize?

A: Refer to Ayat 22 - 24 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: Is there a messenger from Allah who told his people to worship other than Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 45 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: If one plans to remain on Allah's Straight Path what should he be aware of?
A: Refer to Ayat 57 - 62 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: What use is the ancient Narrative of how Pharaoh was destroyed for us - current people?
A: Refer to Ayat 51 - 56 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: Why should disbelievers not increase their disbelieving by rejecting Allah's Qur'anic Lines as lies?
A: Refer to Ayat 23 - 46 in Surat Ghafir (40).

Q: Is it enough to ONLY believe in Allah as the One and Only God in order to feel secure on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayah 13 in Surat AlAhqaf (46).

Q: Which of Muslims will feel at peace with themselves on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayah 2 in Surat Muhammad (47).

Q: About whom one is lying when he rejects Islam (Prophet Muhammad and the Qur'an)?
A: Refer to Ayah 32 in Surat AlZumar (39).

Q: What two negative emotions those who are conscious of Allah will be free from on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 68 - 69 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: Why is it a good time to check our Faith level if we are living in extremely decorative rich looking houses?
A: Refer to Ayat 31 - 35 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: What should one do when he understands the warning against Allah's Wrath and Punishment mentioned in the Qur'an?
A: Refer to Ayat 50 - 51 in Surat AlThariyat (51).

Q: Who considers angels feminine creatures?
A: Refer to Ayat 26 - 28 in Surat AlNajm (53).

Q: Why no one has any information about when will the Day of Judgement begin?
A: Refer to Ayah 29 in Surat AlShoura (42).

Q: As told in the Qur'an why did Prophet Muhammad not consider Prophet Jesus (as a son) related to Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 81 - 83 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: Why does a person show ultimate ingratitude when he disbelieves in Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 87 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: Why did Allah make Prophet Abraham (= Ibraheem) remembered across generations of humanity?
A: Refer to Ayat 26 - 30 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: What will the companions of Hell sincerely wish for when they see the punishment?
A: Refer to Ayat 44 - 45 in Surat AlShoura (42).

Q: What DESCRIPTION of the Straight Path which leads to Paradise is ENOUGH to be followed?
A: Refer to Ayat 51 - 53 in Surat AlSoura. (42).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: How can a lot of people, even many of those who say they are believers, show ungratefulness towards Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 15 - 16 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: Why do Muslims refer to the four caliphs who led Muslims after Prophet Muhammad as 'the Well Guided Caliphs = AlRashidoun?
Note: Muslims pray to be among the well guided. In the supplication after the Friday Sermon, the sheikh at Masjid Abu Bakr (Lawrence Ave, Toronto) prayed to Allah to make us among "the well guided ones = AlRashideen".
A: Refer to Ayat 7 - 8 in Surat AlHujurat (49).

Q: Who usually stands up first to defend idol worshipping in each community?
A: Refer to Ayah 23 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: Which category of people are referred to as "the inattentive or the unaware of Allah = 'AlGhafiloun'" in the Qur'an?
A: Refer to Ayat 106 - 109 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: Why is it one thing to disbelieve in Allah and another thing to prevent others from Allah's Path?
A: Refer to Ayah 88 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: About WHAT does Allah affirm by His Own Sublime Being?
(Remember what Allah takes an oath by and about should be given attention)
A: Refer to Ayat 20 - 23 in Surat AlThariyat (51).

Q: What is another title for Angel Gabriel?
A: Refer to Ayat 16 - 21 in Surat Maryam (19).

Q: What should we think about when we look towards the sky?
A: Refer to Ayah 32 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).

Q: When did many humans start to stray away from Allah's Path?
Note: Islam (submission to Allah Alone) was the religion of humanity from the time of 'Adam' peace be upon him.
A: Refer to Ayat 58 - 60 in Surat Maryam (19).

Q: Why should people remind themselves that some communities were annihilated by Allah's Wrath in the past?
A: Refer to Ayah 128 in Surat Taha (20).

Q: Besides for higher ranks in Paradise why should you compete with others in doing good deeds in life?
A: Refer to Ayah 89 in Surat AlNahl (16).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: For what first thing believers should race in good deeds, other than Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayah 21 in Surat AlHadeed (57).

Q: What will be first before Paradise for the believers who win Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayah 20 in Surat AlHadeed (57).

Q: What does the Qur'an say about what is similar to our Earth?
Note: The Qur'an, sent down 1400 years ago, is for all peoples and times. Therefore it contains scientific facts some of which humans disovered and some are ambiguous until science reaches a higher level.
A: Refer to Ayah 12 in Surat AlTalaq (65:12).

Q: If a believer stays on Allah's Straight Path what will he be gifted with in life from Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 67 in Surat AlHajj (22).

Q: Why was Prophet Muhammad chosen from the Tribe of Quraish and not any other people?
A: Refer to Ayat 31 - 35 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: Into what should we pray to Allah to admit us besides our prayer for Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayat 16 - 44 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: What is an enough proof for the disbelievers to accept the Qur'an as Allah's Word?
A: Refer to Ayat 192 - 197 in Surat AlShuara' (26).

Q: Apart from Allah's Favours upon humans why should humans thank Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 12 in Surat Luqman (31).

Q: Whose skins sometimes shiver when the Qur'an is being recited?
Refer to Ayah 23 in Surat AlZumar (39).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: Where could Justice and Fairness which humanity commonly knows and countries base most of their judicial system upon, come from?
Note: Remember across humanity man knew about Allah from the first man 'Adam' Allah created. (refer to Dr. Tareq Suwaidan's explanation about humanity and Allah's messengers.
And refer to how idol worshipping started.
A: Refer to Ayah 17 in Surat AlShoura (42).

Q: What comes before Allah's Rewards for the believers in the Other World?
A: Refer to Ayah 7 in Surat Fatir (35).

Q: Other than punishment of Hell what Word of Allah will be devastating for the sinners?
A: Refer to Ayah 34 in Surat AlJasthiyah (45).

Q: Why Pharaoh's (= Phiroun's) declaration of Islam at the time of his death was not accepted by Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 17 - 18 in Surat AlNisa' (4).

Q: What Islamic Stamp at the minimum, Muslims should opt to obtain for the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to (Ayah 19) in Ayat 16 - 44 in Surat AlNaml (27).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: Apart from anything else why should we follow the commands and the instructions in the Qur'an?
A: Refer to Ayat 154 - 155 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: Why does Allah honour whomever He wills?
A: Refer to Ayah 26 in Surat AlImran (3).

Q: Besides Forgiveness and the Reward for the believers what will they get on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayah 277 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Why should a disbelieving community be on its guard not to get Allah's Wrath in life?
A: Refer to Ayah 16 in Surat Fatir (35).

Q: If one believes the Day of Judgement will take place what should he not be fooled by then?
A: Refer to Ayah 5 in Surat Fatir (35).

Q: Can any of the idols whom or which disbelievers worship hold our earth from vanishing into space if Allah wills it to vanish?
A: Refer to Ayah 41 in Surat Fatir (35).

Q: Who is promised by Allah to receive Forgiveness and Great Reward?
A: Refer to Ayat 10 - 11 in Surat YaSeen (36).

Q: What is the Wrong Deed (= AlKhattiah) according to Allah which annihilates communities?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 12 in Surat AlHaqqah (69).

Q: What is the "Straight Path" according to Jesus and all of Allah's prophets peace be upon them all?
A: Refer to Ayat 63 - 66 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: If a group wants a long lasting victory what should they first prove to be?
A: Refer to Ayah 47 in Surat AlRoum (30).

Q: Those who know about the Day of Judgement and reject it, what are they called in the Qur'an?
A: Refer to Ayah 99 in Surat AlIsra' (17).

Q: Why did Allah create man besides to worship Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 6 in Surat AlInsan (76).

Q: When Allah's Wrath descends on a community which is disobeying and ungrateful to Allah why the community gets destroyed and annihilated?
A: Refer to Ayat 16 - 18 in Surat AlDukhkhan (44).

Q: How will those who worship idols in life be raised up on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 38 - 44 in Surat AlMa'arij (70).

Q: What do custodians of idols do to their followers?
A: Refer to Ayat 21 - 24 in Surat Noah (71).

Q: What happens to a person who does not remember Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 19 in Surat AlMujadilah (58).

Q: Why is it a must in Islam to follow the Sunnah (sayings, deeds and life character) of Prophet Muhammad? (For defition of AlSunnah, refer to AlSunnah in "Wikipedia")
A: Refer to Ayah 21 in Surat AlAhzab (33).

Q: Other than anytime, what special time mentioned in the Qur'an a believer should remember to glorify Allah (= Tashbeeh)?
A: Refer to Ayat 41 - 42 in Surat AlAhzab (33).

Q: What shows in the Qur'an that shouldering the responsibility of Islam is not an easy task?
A: Refer to Ayah 72 in Surat AlAhzab (33).

Q: What happens to the person who follows Allah's Guidance (towards Allah)?
A: Refer to Ayat 115 - 127 in Surat Taha (20).

Q: What is one major way of plotting to keep people away from Allah's Path?
A: Refer to Ayat 21 - 28 in Surat Noah (71).

Q: Why is it both easy for Allah to create man and resurrect him on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayah 28 in Surat Luqman (31).

Q: Why specially Muslims should be on their guard not to join in worship (sayings or actions) any partner with Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 62 - 66 in Surat AlZumar (39).

Q: What should anyone who plots secretly be aware of?
A: Refer to Ayat 45 - 58 in Surat AlImran (3).

Q: How will the companions of Hell in the Other World REALIZE on their own what bad deeds they did in life?
A: Refer to Ayah 33 in Surat AlJasthiyah (45).

Q: Why did Allah give the parable (moral example) of a spider's house being the the weakest among houses?
A: Refer to Ayat 41 - 44 in Surat AlAnkaboot (29).

Q: Why do we pray to Allah to convey Allah's Blessings and Peace upon Prophet Muhammad?
A: Refer to Ayat 56 - 58 in Surat AlZhzab (39).

Q: When do many disbelievers really believe in Allah's punishment in life?
A: Refer to Ayah 51 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: What should wealthy disbelievers know about the punishment of the Other World?
A: Refer to Ayah 47 in Surat AlZumar (39).

Q: Why is it important to continuously judge our deeds?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 4 in Surat AlQiyamah (75).

Q: During punishment in Hell what will the companions of Hell be asked?
A: Refer to Ayat 73 - 76 in Surat Ghafir (40).

Q: What is an example of people being ignorant about how Sublime is Allah's Throne above all?
A: Refer to Ayat 23 - 46 in Surat Ghafir (40).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: What humiliation will the leaders of disblievers face on the hands of their followers on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 53 - 54 in Surat Fusilat (41:53-54).

Q: Why does reading the Qur'anic Ayat with their meanings give the believer tranquility and satisfaction with what Allah had written?
A: Refer to Ayat 40 - 46 in Surat Fusilat (41).

Q: Why is it very rewarding to remain patient and forgive while being capable of revenge?
A: Refer to Ayah 43 in Surat AlShoura (42).

Q: What does any capable hypocrite enemy of Islam target?
A: Refer to Ayat 204 - 206 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: In Islam which women other than Muslim women Muslim men are allowed to marry?
A: Refer to Ayah 5 in Surat AlMa'idah (5).

Q: Why rejectors of Allah's Religion defend THEIR DISBELIEF in Allah as the One and Only God?
A: Refer to Ayat 36 - 39 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: What is an example in the Qur'an of Allah's Miracles which make open-minded persons realize Allah's Supremacy over everything?
A: Refer to Ayat 15 - 21 in Surat Saba' (34).

Q: Which version of the Bible should People of the Book follow?
A: Refer to Ayat 46 - 47 in Surat Luqman (31).

Q: To what should those who love and believe in science pay attention to know about the Supermacy of Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 30 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).

Q: Other than the prayers at what special times daily should we not forget to remember Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 205 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: When looking for unseen help to whom are the Children of Israel (Jews and Christians) commanded by Allah the Creator to pray to?
A: Refer to Ayat 2 - 3 in Surat AlIsra' (17).

Q: Other than healthwise why should we be moderate in what we eat?
A: Refer to Ayah 31 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: Why will the Companions of Paradise be told on the Day of Judgement that they deserve Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayat 37 - 43 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: What will the Companions of Hell be yearning to receive from the Companions of Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayat 50 - 51 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: Why should people who worship idols, at least refrain from arguing to defend their worship of other than Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 71 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: What shows in the Qur'an that the Qur'an came down unto Prophet Muhamamd with Allah's Will only?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 2 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: What should a BELIEVER make sure that he had done in life when the time of death comes?
A: Refer to Ayah 9 in Surat AlAnkaboot (29).

Q: In which state does Allah leave a person as long as the person wishes?
A: Refer to Ayah 75 in Surat Maryam (19).

Q: Why should a person watch what he says espcially what shows arrogance?
A: Refer to Ayat 77 - 80 in Surat Maryam (19).

Q: What shows in the Qur'an that the Qur'an came down unto Prophet Muhamamd with Allah's Will only?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 2 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: What is nerve breaking about with whom disbelievers will be gathered on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 68 - 70 in Surat Maryam (19).

Q: What is enough for the Qur'an to defend it and to make it in no need for dispute?
A: Refer to Ayah 17 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: Why did Allah send other Holy Books to humanity after the Torah which was supposed to be for all humanity?
A: Refer to Ayah 91 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: What belief is a must for anyone who says he believes in the Day of Judgement and the other World?
A: Refer to Ayah 92 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: What all time Command Allah gave both of Prophet Moses (Moosa) and his brother Prophet Aaron (Haroon)?
A: Refer to Ayat 42 - 48 in Surat Taha (20).

Q: Why should each one of us try to be as much mindful of Allah as he can?
A: Refer to Ayah 197 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: How do we know that Muslims can not supplicate (talk) to Allah about their DEAD disbelieving relatives?
Note: Remember disbelievers are two types: 1. Those who say they do not believe in Allah, the Creator of everything. 2. Those who join other gods in worship with Allah, the Creator.
A: Refer to Ayah 37 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: What shows in life that certain people are going to be Satan's permanent allies?
A: Refer to Ayat 41 - 48 in Surat Maryam (19).

Q: Besides seeking Allah's satisfaction why do believers in Allah give charity?
A: Refer to Ayah 265 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: What do those who exceed Allah's Limits in everything tend to do in life?
A: Refer to Ayat 105 - 191 in Surat AlShuara' (26).

Q: Why should a community who hears about Allah fear that not most its memebers are disbelievers?
Note: Remember the Qur'an, Allah's Word, is for every time and every land.
A: Refer to Ayah 57 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: What is enough for man to lower his head in acknowledgement when he thinks about arguing with Allah on the topic of man creation?
A: Refer to Ayah 77 in Surat YaSeen (36).

Q: If you want to see Allah with your own eyes in Paradise what should you do?
A: Refer to Ayah 110 in Surat AlKahf (18).

Q: What one thing described the son of Noah who drowned in the Great Flood which Allah sent to punish the People of Noah whose majority were disbelievers?
A: Refer to Ayat 40 - 49 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: What is the attitude of the believer should believe in when facing difficult situations?
A: Refer to Ayah 56 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: Why had many people, until nowadays, known that a Great Flood at the time of Prophet Noah once covered the earth?
A: Refer to Ayah 37 in Surat AlFurqan (25).

Q: Those who share idol worshipping with their fathers/forefathers how much share of Allah's punishment will they receive?
A: Refer to Ayah 109 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: Why does Allah direct our attention towards the sky for example and then tells us about the thunder for example?
A: Refer to Ayah 2 in Surat AlRa'd (in English The Thunder) (13).

Q: Like the People of Pharaoh (Phiroun) which people are being punished in their graves until the Day of Judgement arrives?
A: Refer to Ayah 60 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: How does performing good deeds help the believers attain Allah's Reward?
A: Refer to Ayah 114 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: How does a Muslim feel that he has reached the stage of "Faith = Iman" which comes after the stage of being a Muslim?
Note: The three stages of Islamic Creed. (refer to the Note under Surat AlImran)
A: Refer to
Ayat 2-4 in Surat AlAnfal (8).

Q: What is a good conversation (prayer) with Allah if we sense Allah's punishment is coming towards us?
A: Refer to Ayah 155 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: Which prophet Allah says in the Qur'an Allah chose him over humanity in certain way?
A: Refer to Ayat 143 - 144 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: When will Satan admit in front of his followers that he was fooling them?
A: Refer to Ayat 21-22 in Surat Ibraheem (14).

Q: How did Allah bestow His Mercy on His prophets?
A: Refer to Ayah 63 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: What Wrath Word of Allah in life every community should be afraid of?
Note: Three communities not far from the land around Mecca received Allah's Wrath Word and were annihilated; Their Prophets were from Arab ancestory (Prophet Hood, Prophet Saleh and Prohet Shuaib) Refer to no 4, 5 and 12 on the Prophets Map .
A: Refer to Ayat 94 - 95 in Surat Hood (11).
Also refer to Ayat 67 - 68 in Surat Hood (11).
Also refer to Ayat 94 - 95 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: What is Allah's Special Favour on all humanity but many people do not realize it and they do not give thanks to Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 36 - 41 in Surat Yusuf (12).

Q: What was another title for Prophet Muhammad other than a warner (= Natheer) and a bearer of good news (= Basheer)?
A: Refer to Ayah 17 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: What is totally the most fearful action from Allah in life any community can face?
A: Refer to Ayah 57 in Surat Hood (11).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayah)

Q: Why should a person who wants to become a Muslim make a real effort to be guided to Islam?
A: Refer to Ayah 13 in Surat AlSajdah (32).

Q: When Allah's punishment come down from the sky what form does it take?
A: Refer to Ayat 18 - 22 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: We all fear the sound of thunder but what is thunder actually doing?
A: Refer to Ayah 13 in Surat AlRa'd (13).

Q: What emotion will prevail on the Day of Judgement (before admittance into Paradise or Hell)?
A: Refer to Ayah 89 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: Why did Allah create Jesus peace be upon him without a father; And the Veracious Mary (Maryam) without a man was pregrant with Jesus peace be upon him?
A: Refer to Ayah 50 in Surat AlMo'minoun (23).

Q: What supplication to Allah is applicable to hope to avert Allah's punishment in life?
A: Refer to Ayat 93 - 95 in Surat AlMo'minoun (23:93-95).

Q: What are the characteristics of Satan's enticing actions?
A: Refer to Ayah 21 in Surat AlNoor (24).

Q: Other than Muslims who testifies to the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad?
A: Refer to Ayah 43 in Surat AlRa'd (13).

Q: Why do believers in Allah ignore idol worshipping and what idols represent?
A: Refer to Ayat 23 - 46 in Surat Ghafir (40).

(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: What do you (plural) not remember - Allah commands you?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 21 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: How much meal blessings do idols and what they personify give to their worshippers who offer food in front of them?
A: Refer to Ayat 71 - 75 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: How did Prophet Soloman (= Suleiman) have a kingdom that no one after him had?
A: Refer to Ayat 30 - 40 in Surat Saad (38).

Q: Why it can by a concern for many of us when the sea/lake level rises for a long period of time?
A: Refer to Ayah 41 in Surat AlRa'd (13).

Q: Why any moving object in the outer space does not fall down and eliminates our earth?
A: Refer to Ayah 65 in Surat AlHajj (22).

Q: Who tends to argue about Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 8 in Surat AlHajj (22).

Q: On the Day of Judgement who will tell the worhsippers of idols "they are not telling the Truth"?
A: Refer to Ayah 86 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: What three major qualities one must have and support and three major qualities one must reject and keep away from?
A: Refer to Ayah 90 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: Aside from other people why disbelievers who deny resurrection on the Day of Judgement have to be raised up that Day?
A: Refer to Ayat 38 - 39 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: Why even a Muslim cannot say he believes in Allah but does not believe in the Qur'anic Ayat (Lines-Veses)? (Note Sikhs for example believe in Allah, the Creator of everything, but do not believe in Allah's Last Word to humanity "the Qur'an")
A: Refer to Ayat 103 - 105 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: On the Day of Judgement why will Allah ask polytheists where are 'My partners"?
A: Refer to Ayat 26 - 30 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: Why is it important to believe in the Qur'an?
A: Refer to Ayah 17 in Surat Hood (11).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayah)

Q: Who told Prophet Muhammad to follow the Religion (Creed) of Prophet Abraham?
A: Refer to Ayat 120 - 123 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: Why should we never give up from Allah's Mercy and declare our despair?
A: Refer to Ayah 15 in Surat AlHajj (22).

Q: Why should disbelievers refrain from referring to Allah's Word (the Qur'an) as 'Mythologies of the ancient'?
A: Refer to Ayat 22-25 and Ayat 26-30 (another question was before asked too) in Surat AlNahl (22).

Q: Who can ecognize that the food which they have is only from Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 114 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: Across humanity which one of the two Commands from Allah do the disbelievers wait for?
A: Refer to Ayat 33 - 34 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: What one practice in life will for sure make the person a companion of Hell forever?
A: Refer to Ayat 18 - 22 in Surat AlIsra' (Beni Israel) (17).

Q: On the Day of Judgement what may a lot of people mutter under their breath?
A: Refer to Ayah 52 in Surat AlIsra' (17).

Q: Will a smart person follow someone who despises him? Who is biased against us all?
A: Refer to Ayat 61 - 65 in Surat AlIsra'(17).

Q: Why is it NOT important to ask when the Day of Judgement is but it is VERY important to reconsider this religious action if any ...?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 21 in Surat AlNahl (16) (particularly Ayah 1)
Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat.

Q: Whom you should not deny his share in your wealth?
A: Refer to Ayat 26 - 30 in Surat AlIsra' known also as Surat Beni Israel (17).

Q: Where the ANCESTORS of the current People of Israel believers in Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 2 - 3 in Surat AlIsra' known also as Surat Bene Israel (17).

Q: How will you feel if everyone would have known your esteem except your own servant?
A: Refer to Ayat 40 - 44 in Surat AlIsra' (17).
Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat.

Q: WHY DID ALLAH CREATE the sun and the moon and through them man learnt the calculation of days?
A: Refer to Ayah 5 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: What condition must be satisfied before believing in the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 18 - 22 in Surat AlIsra' (Beni Israel) (17).
Note: Another question was asked before about the mentined Ayat.

Q: For what actions of theirs will the disbelievers in Allah be punished severely?
A: Refer to Ayah 4 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: When does the time come for one's wealth to be totally destroyed?
A: Refer to Ayah 24 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: Other than physicians where should you go for psychological treatment?
A: Refer to Ayat 57 - 58 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: If in doubt about the Qur'an being from Allah, whom Prophet Muhammad was directed to ask about Allah's Holy Books?
A: Refer to Ayat 93 - 97 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: About Allah what should you always bear in mind?
A: Refer to Ayah 3 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: What should you practice in life because you are going to repeat it in Paradise - Allah willing?
A: Refer to Ayat 9 - 10 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: If disobeying Allah why should one stop before he is called "Fasiq" = Immoral or who sinfully left Allah's Path?
A: Refer to Ayah 33 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: Why should we all heed Allah's Call?
A: Refer to Ayah 25 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: Why do a lot of people realize that the immense World has a Creator (Allah) but they do not have Faith in Him?
A: Refer to Ayah 99 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: Why should those who worship other than Allah look who was THEIR MESSENGER from Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 47 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: If something is unclear in Allah's other Holy Books to which one should their readers refer to?
A: Refer to Ayat 37 - 39 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: Who finds in what Allah created Miraculous Signs indicative of Allah Alone (no one else can create even similar)?
A: Refer to Ayah 6 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: Why should one blame himself on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayah 44 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: Why it does not matter how much ingratitude people show towards Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 21 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: Whom does Allah continue on guiding towards Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayat 9 - 10 in Surat Yunus (10).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayah)

Note: Answers to the above questions are in red text.

Q: Why should a believer be conscious of Allah and never feel arrogant because of his good deeds?
A: Refer to Ayah 50 in Surat Fusilat (41).

Q: Why leaders should rule with justice and avoid personal interests?
A: Refer to Ayah 26 in Surat Saad (38).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayah)

Q: Why should a person not feel that he is unique and special in the Eyes of Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 50 in Surat Fusilat (41).
(Note: Another question was recently asked about the mentioned Ayah)

Q: In what way the mountains are similar to the clouds?
A: Refer to Ayah 88 in Surat AlNaml (27).
(Note: Another question was recently asked about the mentioned Ayah)

Q: What will happen to the face of a person respected in life if he does evil and his evil is not forgiven by Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 90 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: How does a believer aim to gain Allah's Protection against immoral deeds?
A: Refer to Ayat 23 - 24 in Surat Yusuf (12).

Q: "What are these (cattle) sacrifices, O Messenger of Allah", Prophet Muhammad's companions asked. Prophet Muhammad replied "The way (Sunnat) of your forefather Abraham (Ibraheem). What was the reply of Prophet Muhammad's referring to?
(Note: Mosque preachers (imams) nowadays refer nowadays (First 10 days of the blessed month of "Thul Hijja") to the mentioned saying of Prophet Muhammad.)
A: Refer to Ayat 97 - 113 in Surat AlSaffat (37).

Q: What is important to do especially in the first ten days of the Islamic month of "Thul Hijja" (today 4th of Thul Hijjah)?
A: Refer to Ayah 203 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Should a smart person completely ignore the news of a coming danger for example, without even considering what if it really happens?
A: Refer to Ayat 37 - 39 in Surat Yunus (10).
(Note: Another question was recently asked about the mentioned Ayah)

Q: How is sacrificing cattle in Allah's Name and eating as well as distributing its meat is important in Allah's Religion?
A: Refer to Ayat 34 - 37 in Surat AlHajj (22).

Q: Why whatever we could not or can not see does not mean it does not exist?
A: Refer to Ayah 75 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: Besides the rain coming from the sky what does the sky also hold?
A: Refer to Ayat 8 - 9 in Surat AlJinn (72).

Q: In the Other World where will the weak followers argue with those who lead them astray?
A: Refer to Ayat 47 - 48 in Surat Ghafir (40).

Q: Why should all humans submit to Allah as the One and Only God?
A: Refer to Ayat 130 - 134 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).
(Note: Another question was recently asked about the mentioned Ayah)

Q: Why had Allah planned for two orphan boys when they grow up to take out the treasure which their righteous father had left them?
A: Refer to Ayat 65 - 82 in Surat AlKahf (18).

Q: Despite hatred and enemity between different religious groups why a lot of worship places are still safe and secure?
A: Refer to Ayat 39 - 40 in Surat AlHajj (22).

Q: What is the Bottom Line (The Primary Consideration) about who are Allah's Messengers?
A: Refer to Ayat 59 - 64 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: When facing danger what is Muslim's call to Allah, the Creator?
A: Refer to Ayat 87 - 88 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).

Q: What is the Status of the Qur'an to other types of wealth?
A: Refer to Ayat 57 - 58 in Surat Yunus (10).
(Note: Two other questions were previously asked about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: How to rephrase "Worship Allah as the One and Only God = Islam = Sumbission to Allah as the One and Only God?
A: Refer to Ayat 104 - 108 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: How long will man remain on the earth?
A: Refer to Ayat 35 - 36 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: What does one become if he prays to or calls upon anyone or anything other than Allah the Creator?
A: Refer to Ayat 104 - 108 in Surat Yunus (10).
(Note: Another question was recently asked about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: To whom is the ultimate good ending in the Other World?
A: Refer to Ayat 40 - 49 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: What do persons who convert to Islam (submission to Allah as the One and Only God) realize about themsleves before Islam?
A: Refer to Ayah 44 in Ayat 16 - 44 in Surat AlNaml (27).
(Note: Other questions were asked about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: What is the mainstream of Islam which all should follow?
A: Refer to Ayat 137 - 138 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: What special prayer of Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem) did Allah answer?
A: Refer to Ayat 127 - 129 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Some disbelievers consider some angels as godesses and they worship them. What do all the angels testify?
A: Refer to Ayah 18 in Surat AlImran (3).

Q: What is so special about Allah's creation of everything?
A: Refer to Ayah 88 in Surat AlNaml (27).
(Note: Another question was previously asked about the mentioned Ayah)

Q: What is the number of those who lead a person astray from Allah's Path?
A: Refer to Ayah 29 in Surat Fusilat (41).

Q: Which Ayat might cross one's mind if he senses some type of miracle has happened?
A: Refer to Ayat 30 - 32 in Surat Fusilat (41).

Q: What is also found in the lowest Heaven (the sky)?
A: Refer to Ayat 8 - 9 in Surat AlJinn (72).

Q: What is an example of a person who can be away from Allah's Path while living among believing people?
A: Refer to Ayat 76 - 82 in Surat AlQasas (28).

Q: What for one major SUBJECT commanded to be known by Allah, schools should be kept open without any threat from Boko Haram* or others?
* Refer to schools being closed because of Boko Haram's threat.
A: Refer to Ayah 5 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: When attaking the callers to Allah as being liars whom are they actualy attacking?
A: Refer to Ayah 33 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: Why Muslims are not allowed to use any foul language against what people worship other than Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 108 - 110 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: What do Muslims follow when they follow the Qur'an and the way (words and actions = AlSunnah) of Prophet Muhammad?
A: Refer to Ayat 37 - 39 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Why should a believer check his actions first before advising others?
A: Refer to Ayat 41 - 46 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: What are considered pillars of Judaism and Christianity?
A: Refer to Ayah 83 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Do the People of the Book know that a community among them transgressed on the Sabbath and they were unimaginably punished by Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 65 - 66 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Who said it is Allah's FAVOUR on all humanity to inform us not to worship but the One and the Only God - Allah the Creator?
A: A: Refer to Ayat 36 - 41 in Surat Yusuf (12).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: If persons continue to be suspicious and argue about the Qur'an being Allah's Word what are they challenged to do?
A: Refer to Ayah 23 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: By receiving the Qur'an from Allah what did Prophet Muhammad receive?
A: Refer to Ayat 93 - 97 in Surat Yunus (10).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: Why does the sky not fall on the earth especially it is raised up without pillars which we can see*?
* Refer to Ayah 2 in Surat AlRa'd (13).
A: Refer to Ayah 65 in Surat AlHajj (22).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: What is an example of a Qur'anic Ayah (Line or Verse) in which there is a reference to Allah as the Owner of living things people included and the Owner of other things which we call non living things (in the Kingdom)?
(refer to the video about Ayet AlKursi, under the translation of the mentioned Ayat 84-85)
A: Refer to Ayat 84 - 85 in Surat AlMo'minoun (23).

Q: No matter what happens what two Commands of Allah you must continue to heed?
A: Refer to Ayat 120 - 123 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: In this life which of Allah's punishment to live with is more scary?
A: Refer to Ayat 47 - 48 in Surat AlNisa' (4).

Q: Why should affluent societies check their religious radar especially to why they are given success for example in using their resources and not other societies?
A: Refer to Ayat 40 - 49 in Surat Hood (11).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: Why do those who fail to see the true purpose behind Allah's Creation of the Universe (billions of galaxies etc) fail to believe in the resurrection on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayah 7 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: What is an example of an unwise president who misguided his people?
A: Refer to Ayat 96 - 99 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: Before being anything else what was Jesus peace be upon him?
A: Refer to Ayat 57 - 62 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: Whom should people fear less than fearing Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 92 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: What a person's two precious things in life will avail him nothing on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 88 - 89 in Surat AlShuara' (26).

Q: When a believer supplicates to Allah to attain his wishes what bonus reward in life will he get?
A: Refer to Ayah 186 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: How do you feed your soul?
A: Refer to Ayah 24 in Surat AlAnfal (8).

Q: What is the purpose behind the concept of different gods worshipped by many disbelievers?
A: Refer to Ayah 30 in Surat Ibraheem (14).

Q: What is already prepared by Allah for the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayah 47 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).

Q: On the Day of Judgement what is the TRUTH which will either save or doom people?
A: Refer to Ayat 8 - 9 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: Who from the Prophets that were sent to the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) prayed to make away from Allah's Mercy disbelievers and why?
A: Refer to Ayat 78 - 79 in Surat AlMa'idah (5).

Q: In a very brief speech: Who are the companions of Hell?
A: Refer to Ayat 82 - 86 in Surat AlMa'idah (5).

Q: On the Day of Judgement what intercession, made clear in life, will not be allowed from those who are allowed by Allah to intercede for other humans?
A: Refer to Ayah 37 in Surat Hood (11).
(Note: Another question was previously asked about the mentioned Ayah)

Q: What work responsibility had Allah ordained for His Own Sublime Self?
A: Refer to Ayah 40 in Surat AlRa'd (13).

Q: "Making injustice = Yadhlimoun" often is mentioned in the Qur'an referring to those who disobey Allah. To whom do such persons make injustice to?
A: Refer to Ayah 160 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: Why will the companions of Hell receive a very severe punishment?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 4 in Surat AlImran (3).

Q: What big concept followed by many humans Allah did not send down so it should be ignored?
A: Refer to Ayat 23 - 46 in Surat Ghafir (40).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: What can be considered a special command to the believers regarding those who flee from religious persecution because of their belief in Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 41 - 42 in Surat AlNahl (16).
Note: Refer to a report on Youtube depicting the psychological suffering inflicted on an innocent young girl.

Q: What did even the heads of disbelievers know about why Allah sent prophets to them?
A: Refer to Ayah 78 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: What is needed to make a Muslim stay on Allah's Path (obeying Allah)?
A: Refer to Ayat 9 - 10 in Surat Yunus (10).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: What is the difference between believers and disbelievers regarding what they follow?
A: Refer to Ayah 3 in Surat Muhammad (47).

Q: How long in human time is the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 4 in Surat AlMa'arij (70).

Q: What is the Duty that Allah had ordained for His Own Sublime Self for the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayah 40 in Surat AlRa'd (13).

Q: What is special about enjoying food while disobeying Allah in life?
A: Refer to Ayat 8 - 50 in Surat AlMursalat (77).

Q: Before judging us on the Day of Judgement what First Duty Allah had ordained for His Own Sublime Self?
A: Refer to Ayat 25 - 26 in Surat AlGhashiyah (88).

Q: How did Allah make His Word (the Qur'an) interactive with the level of mentality of those who assign a son to Allah the Creator?
A: Refer to Ayat 99 - 102 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: For what two things do disbelievers give charity?
A: Refer to Ayah 265 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: By using intoxicants and gambling as his weapons against the believers in Allah what does Satan aim at?
A: Refer to Ayah 91 in Surat AlMa'ida (5).

Q: What did Allah send down to man besides His Holy Books?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 4 in Surat AlImran (3).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: What is the word for the major psychological punishment on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayah 87 in Surat AlShuara' (26).

Q: How can a country whose Muslim people publicly show they immensely LOVE Prophet Muhammad have a widespread rate of corruption?
A: Refer to Ayah 54 in Surat AlNoor (24).

Q: What is the verb for the action which dooms its doers to Hell?
A: Refer to Ayat 80 - 85 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: What makes caring believers desire that all humanity believe in Allah as the Only and One God?
A: Refer to Ayat 105 - 191 in Surat AlShuara' (26). (refer to what Prophet Hood said: "I fear ...)
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: "Mubeen = Very clear - Manifest - Fully developed - Unmistakable ...etc". "Mubeen" is mentioned a lot in the Qur'an. What does the word imply (seen or unseen)?
A: Refer to Ayat 30 - 35 in Surat AlShuara' (26).

Q: What TYPE of information is in the Delivery of Allah's Religion?
A: Refer to Ayat 32 - 34 in Surat Hood (34).

Q: Are Muslims allowed to hold in esteem any of Allah's Messengers ABOVE Allah's other Messengers?
A: Refer to Ayat 150 - 152 in Surat AlNisa' (4).

Q: Why it does not matter if many people disbelieve in Allah's Message?
A: Refer to Ayah 89 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: What proves in the Qur'an that there is punishment in the grave?
A: Refer to Ayat 23 - 46 in Surat Ghafir (40).
(Note: Other questions were asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: Why does envy (desire that one has what the other person has instead = AlHasad) consumes one's good deeds as the fire consumes dry wood, as mentioned in a summary of a saying of the Prophet Muhammad (reminded by Sheikh Yusuf Badat in his speech about rivalry among siblings referring to Surat Yusuf in the Qur'an, at UIA Mississauga, ON, Canada 2nd Dec. 2017)?
A: Refer to Ayat 51 - 55 in Surat AlNisa' (4).

Q: Can man's heart be harder than rocks?
A: Refer to Ayat 67 - 74 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: What is the first thing to any evil deed?
A: Refer to Ayat 200 - 202 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: Before helping others what did Prophet Yusuf seize the opportunity to preach?
A: Refer to Ayat 36 - 41 in Surat Yusuf (12).
(Note: Other questions were asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: Did Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) learn the correct interpretation of dreams from his father Prophet Jacob (Yaqoub)?
A: Refer to Ayat 36 - 41 in Surat Yusuf (12).
(Note: Refer to Ayah 37. Other questions were asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: Whose call are you heeding when you become on Allah's Straight Path?
Refer to Ayah 25 in Surat Yunus (10).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayah)

Q: What two Words summarize Allah's ultimate and comprehensive control of eveything?
A: Refer to Ayah 54 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: What will those whose idols disbelievers worship acertain on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 28 - 30 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: Why should psychiatrists refer to the Qur'an when treating people of psychological illnesses?
A: Refer to Ayat 57 - 58 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: What happens when a person does not often remember Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 28 in Surat AlKahf (18).

Q: Allah does not guide those who do not SHOW WILLINGNESS to be guided. What is another reason why Allah will not guide such people?
A: Refer to Ayat 12 - 18 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: Why many people who have been given Allah's Holy Books other than the Qur'an know about justice and what is right and wrong in life?
A: Refer to Ayah 48 in Surat AlAnbiya' (21).

Q: How are special dead righteous persons (whom some people supplicate to) busy seeking a special purpose in Allah's Hand?
A: Refer to Ayat 56 - 57 in Surat AlIsra' (17).

Q: What Harsh Reminder from Allah to bring back the People of the Book on Allah's Path?
A: Refer to Ayat 92 - 93 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: What is so special about Paradise that every believer is after it?
A: Refer to Ayah 21 in Surat AlTawbah (9).

Q: what is the deed persons who follow their own whims and lusts first stop to do?
A: Refer to Ayat 58 - 60 in Surat Maryam (19).
(Note: Other questions were asked before about the mentioned Ayat.)

Q: What are the two opposites when considering how people adhere to Allah's Religion?
A: Refer to Ayat 97 - 113 in Surat AlSaffat (37).

(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: If the companions of Paradise will be asked peacefully to enter* Paradise what about the Companions of Hell?
* (refer to Surat Qaf).
A: Refer to Ayat 50 - 61 in Surat AlSaffat (37).

Q: How come Allah Alone knows exactly what each one's soul secretly whispers to him?
A: Refer to Ayah 16 in Surat Qaf (50).

Q: What should be clear about those to whom some Muslims supplicate for wordly gains other than Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 194 - 196 in Surat AlA'raf (7).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: What can be the supplication to Allah of everyone who is oppressed in our times?
A: Refer to Ayat 105 - 196 in Surat AlShuara' (26). (in the Story of Prophet Noah)

Q: What is the Message of the Qur'an centered around?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 2 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: Why questions are asked in this Website about the Qur'anic Lines (Verses = Ayat)?
A: Refer to Ayah 29 in Surat Saad (38).

Q: Why does a believer force himself to be on Allah's Straight Path despite all the temptations of life?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 7 in Surat AlAnkaboot (29).

Q: How do people fail to see Allah's Might Who created
man with his cells in the human body (youtube.com).
and the Universe with its https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O57DyNMRGY8">trillions of galaxies (youtube.com?
A: Refer to
Ayat 23 - 37 in Surat AlDukhkhan (44).

Q: What is the clear way to be on Allah's Straight Path?
A: Refer to Ayat 57 - 62 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: What happens when a believer's heart is filled with Faith in Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 4 in Surat AlFathh (48).

Q: What does most of us tend to miss when we supplicate to Allah especially in deep night prayer?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 8 in Surat AlMuzzammil (73).

Q: What Promise one may ask Allah about on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 15 - 16 in Surat AlFurqan (25).

Q: What does Allah grant those believers across humanity who make efforts to be among those who perfect their Faith in Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 69 in Surat AlAnkaboot (29).

Q: Why does a sleeping person not feel the physical or psychological pain which he had before sleeping?
A: Refer to Ayah 42 in Surat AlZumar(39).

Q: What comes after believing?
A: Refer to Ayat 38 - 52 in Surat AlHaqqah (69).

Q: Believers: What is against Allah's Will and Command?
A: Refer to Ayah 99 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: What Islamic action should come before TURNING to Allah in repentance?
A: Refer to Ayah 61 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: What should those who choose to disbelieve in Allah bear in mind?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 4 in Surat AlImran (3).
(Note: Other questions were asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: When people concentrate on this life only what do they actually forget about the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 23 - 29in Surat AlInsan (76).

Q: How did Allah fasten our earth so it does not keep on continuously shaking?
A: Refer to Ayat 8 - 50 in Surat AlMursalat (77).

Q: Does the dying person realize the moment his soul is being taken away?
A: Refer to Ayat 20 - 40 in Surat AlQiyamah(75).

Q: How do you know the creation could be only of Allah, Who claims the Creation, and none other than Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 3 - 4 in Surat AlMulk (67).

Q: How will Hellfire be alive on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 6 - 9 in Surat AlMulk (67).

Q: What contributed with Allah's Permission to the flourishing civilization of the Pharaoh dynasty before being extinct?
A: Refer to Ayah 6 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: On the Day of Judgement for what do Muslims hope to acquire Allah's Permission?
A: Refer to Ayah 3 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: When paying attention to "Surat AlMursalat" (no 77) in the Qur'an what do you expect from an intelligent listner/reader?
A: Refer to Ayah 50 (last Ayah) in Surat AlMursalat (77).

Q: If one has a healthy body why should he prostrate to Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 34 - 47 in Surat AlQalam (68).

Q: What is one supplication to plead with Allah for Forgiveness when some of us go astray from Allah's Path?
A: Refer to Ayah 155 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: If one continously disobeyed Allah what could be a proper way to avert Allah's punishment in life?
A: Refer to Ayat 32 - 33 in Surat AlAnfal (8).

Q: On the Day of Judgement among other things what will show that Allah is All-Just and All-Fair?
A: Refer to Ayat 6 - 7 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: What will the one who disbelieves in Allah and the Day of Judgement say when he sees Hell on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 21 - 26 in Surat AlFajr (89).

Q: On the Day of Judgement how will people doomed to Hell regret disbelieving in this life?
A: Refer to Ayat 27 - 28 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: Simply speaking what is the Message of the Qur'an?
A: Refer to Ayat 6 - 11 in Surat AlJasthiyah (45).

Q: How do you know that someone who heard about Allah is loyal by nature?
A: Refer to Ayat 13 - 29 in Surat YaSeen (36).

Q: Whose plotting should those persons who are proud of their EVIL Scheming watch for?
A: Refer to Ayat 50 - 53 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: As Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem) supplicated what should we all hope to get from Allah on the Day of Judgement before Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayat 69 - 82 in Surat AlShuara' (26).

Q: What is so special about Allah's Creation of everything?
A: Refer to Ayat 6 - 9 in Surat AlSajdah (32).

Q: What refutes the theory of reinncarnation in which many people believe?
A: Refer to Ayat 30 - 32 in Surat Yaseen (36).

Q: Why do Muslims and the People of the Book differ in worship practices although Allah's Message to each of them is one?
A: Refer to Ayah 48 in Surat AlMa'idah (5).

Q: Like the Command given to Prophet Muhammad, what is Allah's Command to each of us?
A: Refer to Ayat 91 - 92 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: What is the essence of praying to idols? Or to what do idol worshippers knowingly or unknowingly aim in their prayers?
A: Refer to Ayat 90 - 104 in Surat AlShuara' (26).

Q: Before the Day of Judgement when will everyone of us see angels?
A: Refer to Ayat 22 - 23 in Surat AlFurqan(25).

Q: When seeing Hell with their eyes on the Day of Judgement why will a lot of persons bite themselves?
A: Refer to Ayat 27 - 29 in Surat AlFurqan (25).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: What could be the first answer to anyone who asks "what is the God (Lord) of the worlds (and the inhabitants of the worlds = "AlAlameen"?
A: Refer to Ayat 23 - 29 in Surat AlShuara' (26).

Q: Can rain's effect be so bad that such special rain is given a name in the Qur'an?
A: Refer to Ayah 40 in Surat AlFurqan (25).

Q: In this world when can all mankind be in serious danger of extinction?
A: Refer to Ayat 19 - 20 in Surat Ibraheem (14).

Q: Why was Prophet Muhammad sent to the polytheists who were joining other gods with the worship of Allah the Creator?
A: Refer to Ayah 30 in Surat AlRa'd (13).

Q: How much Mercy and Justice can you sense in being rightly informed by Allah Himself of Who He is?
A: Refer to Ayat 49 - 50 in Surat AlHijr (15).

Q: What title of Muslims we should all aspire to attain?
A: Refer to Ayat 27 - 28 in Surat AlQasas (28).

Q: What action can easily place you on Allah's Straight Path which leads to Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayat 43 - 44 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).
(Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: Who can be glorifying with you at a certain time without you even realizing it?
A: Refer to Ayah 13 in Surat AlRa'd (13).

Q: Thinking of what can remind you of what our life in this world actually is?
A: Refer to to the whole Ayah 24 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: On the Day of the Judgement who will be on the side of those who followed Satan in life?
A: Refer to Ayah 63 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: Allah sent messengers across humanity to guide their people. What was the adjective added to the title "messenger" of Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 105 - 196 in Surat AlShuara' (26).
(Note: Multiple other questions were asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: What clearly indicates in the Qur'an that there is no compulsion in Allah's Religion?
A: Refer to Ayah 28 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: What is typical of Allah's punishment in life?
A: Refer to Ayah 8 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: Why should the believers care about the need of being labelled "doers of good deeds"?
A: Refer to Ayat 40 - 49 in Surat Hood (11).
(Note: Multiple other questions were asked before about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: Other than Allah the Creator, no 'god' of those worshipped by different people ever claimed that he is the creator of the Universe, man and everything else. So what should we all remember about this argument?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 21 in Surat AlNahl (16). (refer to Ayah 17)

Q: Who feels True Reverence of Allah when he cotemplates about Allah's Creation of everything?
A: Refer to Ayat 6 - 8 in Surat Qaf (50).

Q: What TYPE of believers are really the guided ones?
A: Refer to Ayat 81 - 83 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: What is a logical argument for "there is no god with Allah the Creator"?
A: Refer to Ayat 90 - 91 in Surat AlMo'minoun (23).

Q: What can keep Muslims away from following those who may lead them away from Allah's Commands in the Qur'an?
A: Refer to Ayah 3 in Surat AlA'raf (7).

Q: Does the person, who does not want to remember Allah, intentionally close his heart against remembering Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 28 in Surat AlKahf (18).
Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayat.

Q: Why do believers keep on supplicating to Allah even if they see that their suppliation was not answered?
A: Refer to Ayah 61 in Surat Hood (11).
Note: Another question was asked before about the mentioned Ayah.

Q: Other than Muslims who knows for sure that Prophet Muhammad was a Messenger of Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 43 in Surat AlRa'd (13).

Q: What is an example of inventing a mojor lie?
A: Refer to Ayah 50 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: Allah is the Supporter (= Weli) of those who are conscious of Allah (= AlMataqoun or AlMataqeen). But who are those supporters (= Awliya) to whom even some Muslims supplicate for help in life (example to have children)?
A: Refer to Ayat 102 - 106 in Surat AlKahf (18).

Q: What two things renders one's good deeds into nill on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 102 - 106 in Surat AlKahf (18).
(Yesterday another question was asked about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: Why should we try hard to be labelled among "AlMutaqoun or AlMutaqeen = Those who protect themselves by being aware and cautious of Allah"?
A: Refer to Ayat 18 - 19 in Surat AlJasthiya (45).

Q: How may someone intentionally render his heart blind and his ears deaf?
A: Refer to Ayat 42 - 43 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).

Q: What action of the disbelievers makes them not use their senses properly?
A: Refer to Ayah 26 in Surat AlAhqaf (46).

Q: What top Wisdom granted from Allah did Jesus peace be upon him tell the People of Isreal of?
A: Refer to Ayat 63 - 66 in Surat AlZukhruf (43).
(Other questions were previously asked about the mentioned Ayat)

Q: In the Qur'an Allah talks to both males and females:
What is an example of Islam encouraging the learning of science for example?
A: Refer to Ayah 5 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: Note: Especially for those groups who are against the education of women in public schools in Nigeria for example:
What is an example in the Qur'an of a woman's advice being better than her citizens because she had knowledge of the details of politics of her time?
A: Refer to Ayat 16 - 44 in Surat AlNaml (27).

Q: How did Allah's Messengers manage to convey Allah's Message without any alteration to humans?
A: Refer to Ayat 26 - 28 in Surat AlJinn (72).

Q: Other than being very severe and humiliating what categorizes Allah's Punishment?
A: Refer to Ayat 16 - 17 in Surat AlJinn (72).

Q: What simply should one do to gain place in Paradise as a reward from the Creator?
A: Refer to Ayah 18 in Surat AlRa'd (13).

Q: Why should we never give up supplicating to Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 35 - 39 in Surat Ibraheem (14).

Q: Until when will Allah continue to show man more and more of natural disasters?
A: Refer to Ayah 31 in Surat AlR'ad (13).

Q: What action are the Jinn Race good at?
A: Refer to Ayat 11 - 12 in Surat AlJinn (72).

Q: What human quality will the angels include in their greeting in Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayat 21 - 24 in Surat AlRa'd (13).

Q: Who takes heed when looking at what Allah created for example the sky?
A: Refer to Ayat 6 - 8 in Surat Qaf (50).

Q: What could be a secret for a community to remain in their land without being replaced by Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 4 in Surat Noah (71).

Q: At the time of the loss of a dear person how does a believer show that he is among the guided ones to Allah's Path?
A: Refer to Ayat 155 - 157 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: Why should one pray only to Allah, the Creator, to remove any type of suffering?
A: Refer to Ayat 12 - 13 in Surat AlHajj (22).

Q: What two Fixed Times already decreed by Allah even a believer's sincere prayer can never change them?
A: Refer to Ayah 2 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: Why nothing will happen to Islam if you see a whole community rejecting it?
A: Refer to Ayah 89 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: Why should honey be a priortized component in different medical drugs?
A: Refer to Ayat 68 - 69 in Surat AlNahl (16).

Q: What Word Legacy did Allah's Messengers example Prophet Noah left for humanity?
A: Refer to Ayat 25 - 26 in Surat Hood (11).

Q: Religiously speaking is it just and fair for a current religious community to Reject to appologize for the actions of their predecessors?
A: Refer to Ayat 130 - 134 in Surat AlBaqarah (2).

Q: What will the increase in our knowledge of the Religion of Islam initially help us in?
A: Refer to Ayat 41 - 44 in Surat AlAnkaboot (29).
Note: Another question was asked previously about the mentioned Ayat.

Q: What Word of Allah should come to a believer's mind when he sees a lovely garden?
A: Refer to Ayat 15 - 21 in Surat Saba' (34).
Note: Other questions were asked previously about the mentioned Ayat.

Q: Among the companions of Hell in the Other World where will be the place of Pharoah the leader in life?
A: Refer to Ayat 86 - 89 in Surat Hood (11).
Note: Another question was previously asked about the mentioned Ayat.

Q: What should be a Muslim's first prayer about his own death?
A: Refer to Ayat 97 - 106 in Surat Yusuf (12).

Q: To which big group is Satan calling his followers?
A: Refer to Ayah 6 in Surat Fatir (35).

Q: How are sweet body waters like rivers a blessing from Allah?
A: Refer to Ayat 5 - 12 in Surat Noah (71).

Q: What can baffle a person who doubts in Allah's Ability to put the bones back into the shape of a human being on the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 4 in Surat AlQiyamah (75).
Note: Another question was previously asked about the mentioned Ayat.

Q: What can be the purpose behind the blessing of good rain and sweet water body?
A: Refer to Ayat 16 - 17 in Surat AlJinn (72).
Note: Another question was previously asked about the mentioned Ayat.

Q: Why does a person continue to do what is against Allah's Commands?
A: Refer to Ayat 42 - 45 in Surat AlAn'am (6).

Q: Why did Prophet Abraham (Ibraheem) pray to Allah to protect him against praying to idols?
A: Refer to Ayat 35 - 39 in Surat Ibraheem (14).
Note: Another question was previously asked about the mentioned Ayat.

Q: Why is Satan so active in gathering his followers from Jinn and humans?
A: Refer to Ayah 6 in Surat Fatir (35).

Q: Why is it important that one stays on Allah's Path which leads to Paradise?
A: Refer to Ayah 26 in Surat Saad (38).
Note: Another question was previously asked about the mentioned Ayah.

Q: How was Prophet Muhammad guided by Allah?
A: Refer to Ayah 50 in Surat Saba' (34).

Q: What categorizes Allah's Punishment especially the Punishment with the starting of the Day of Judgement?
A: Refer to Ayat 53 - 56 in Surat AlAnkaboot (29).

Q: What is an example of Allah's Mercy behind answering a supplication?
A: Refer to Ayat 51 - 55 in Surat Maryam (19).

Q: Who gave the idols which people pray to their names?
A: Refer to Ayat 19 - 25 in Surat AlNajm (53).

Q: If one wants his good deeds to have good weight on the Balance of the Day of Judgement, what two things he must sincerely believe in?
A: Refer to Ayat 102 - 106 in Surat AlKahf (18).
Note: Other questions were previously asked about the mentioned Ayat.

Q: On the Day of Judgement what action of Allah will take place and nothing will deteriorate it?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 8 in Surat AlToor (52).

Q: What supplication is specific for Allah's Proetection against the prosecution of those who do not know the value of Allah's Religion?
A: Refer to Ayat 84 - 86 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: What did the Scrolls of the earlier Messengers of Allah preach?
A: Refer to Ayat 33 - 47 in Surat AlNajm (53).

Q: Why should especially the believers make an effort to contemplate about Allah's Creation of the sky for example?
A: Refer to Ayah 101 in Surat Yunus (10).

Q: What do a lot of disbelievers in Allah as the One and Only God do not know about Allah's Punishment?
A: Refer to Ayat 44 - 49 in Surat AlToor (52).

Q: If a disbeliever hears the Qur'an and claims it to be "weird" what did the disbelievers at Prophet Mohammad's time thought of it?
A: Refer to Ayat 1 - 8 in Surat AlQamar (54).

Q: As explained in the Qur'an why for their own benefit, the People of Israel have no left option but to do good deeds in life?
A: Refer to Ayat 4 - 8 in Surat AlIsra' (known also as Surat Beni Israel)(17:4-8).

Q: What proves Allah's Punishment in life is a must too, other than the Punishment of the Other World?
A: Refer to Ayah 58 in Surat AlIsra' (17).

Note: Testing. to delete The answer to the latest question is in red.
Note: The answer to the latest question is in red.
Also note sometimes more than one question about a specific Ayah/Ayat are asked.

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